"Take Me To Your Leader" - 5/14/09 - Spori Computer Lab, Rexburg, Idaho - f/2.0 - 1/18 - Camera brand unknown
This picture was part of a "pet" project for my Graphic Design class. I was given a bag of rubber bands and had to take pictures of them in various manners. I got bored, and wrote "Take me to your leader" on one of them and stretched it across my notebook before taking a picture of it. I used a crappy little camera that I got from my Mom and I didn't edit this at all.

This picture was part of a "pet" project for my Graphic Design class. I was given a bag of rubber bands and had to take pictures of them in various manners. I got bored, and wrote "Take me to your leader" on one of them and stretched it across my notebook before taking a picture of it. I used a crappy little camera that I got from my Mom and I didn't edit this at all.

"Drops of Jupiter" - 7/13/10 – 11:46 AM - Ricks Gardens, Rexburg, Idaho - f/3.5 - 1/250 - Nikon Coolpix S203
I was wandering around campus and decided to take pictures in the Gardens. I came across a little decorative pond area near the Benson building and it had just rained earlier that day, so there were water droplets all over the lily pads. I put my camera in macro mode and took a bunch of pictures. This one was my favorite. I didn't edit this in photoshop at all.

"Sunset Duck" - 7/6/2010 – 9:25 PM - Colonial House Apartments, Rexburg Idaho - f/5.6 - 1/140 - Nikon Coolpix S203I was wandering around campus and decided to take pictures in the Gardens. I came across a little decorative pond area near the Benson building and it had just rained earlier that day, so there were water droplets all over the lily pads. I put my camera in macro mode and took a bunch of pictures. This one was my favorite. I didn't edit this in photoshop at all.

I was taking pictures of my lime green rubber duck for a color study assignment for my Intro to Photography class. I took 60-70 pictures trying to find the right one. While this wasn't the one I ultimately chose, I did like it a lot. I didn't edit this in photoshop at all.

I was taking pictures of my lime green rubber duck for a color study assignment for my Intro to Photography class. I took 60-70 pictures trying to find the right one. This was one of the ones I chose for my assignment. I call it Hitler Duck because it reminded people of the old propaganda posters from WWII. I think I adjusted the levels a bit.

We had to do portrait shots for one of my Intro to Photography assignments. I coerced my friend Joel into being my victim, er, subject. At first he was a tad camera shy, which made for some fun shots, but then he loosened up some later. It was midday while we were shooting, so I dragged Joel into a shaded area for softer light. I developed this photo myself in the photo lab darkroom. I began with developing the film, then I used my negatives to imprint the image onto photo paper, and ran it through chemical processing. Once I was content with it, I scanned it to put on my Flickr for class. Later, I went in and did some levels and curves along with some photo touch-up and dodge/burn to further improve the image.

One of my Intro to Photography assignments was focusing on light as a subject. I woke up just before sunrise and ambled around outside taking pictures of things in the early morning light when I came across this leaf on the ground outside of my apartment complex. I really lucked out on this shot. I took a few different shots, but I really liked how this one turned out. After developing my film, I scanned in my negatives and adjusted the levels and contrast to get this to look the way it does.
I really like your cutouts, especially the duck one. The duck was cut out really well. I noticed you chose pictures that had harder backgrounds to cut out but despite those hard backgrounds, you did a good job cutting them out. I also like your past photos that you posted. I especially like the two duck ones because you took it out of its normal place and placed in on a sidewalk and in the grass. Those pictures put a whole new perspective on the rubber duck. Good job!
ReplyDeleteChellie, I like your blod. I enjoyed your cutout of your mom, mostly the expression. I liked the photos of the rubber duck too. My favorite though is the picture of the lilypad. You captured great water droplet photos. Good blog.
ReplyDeleteChellie I like your photos, specially the first one, with the red background. I like the contrast and how close the shoot is! I love it.